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Golden Matcha Latte

Golden Matcha Latte


  • Pinch of black pepper 
  • ½ tsp turmeric powder
  • ½ tsp ground ginger powder 
  • 1 cup milk (your choice) 
  • 1 matcha shot 


  1. Make your matcha shot: sift and whisk ½ - 1 tsp of matcha powder with 5 oz of water. 
  2. In a separate glass, prep the golden milk by whisking the turmeric powder, ground ginger powder, and milk together. Add a pinch of black pepper to enhance and activate the health benefits of the turmeric.
  3. Pour your matcha shot on top of the golden milk, stir, and glow! 

TIP: Make any of these lattes hot or iced! To make it hot, simply use hot water instead of cold and heat the milk either on the stovetop or microwave. To make it iced, skip the heat and add ice before pouring the milk.


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