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#RIP Apple Ginger

#RIP Apple Ginger

Apple Ginger of Brooklyn was laid to rest after 80 bottle years (6 human years) this past February. She spent her early years at Red Jacket Orchards, where she refined her taste and wit. A reliable friend and pick-me-up to many, A.G. enjoyed taking mercury out of retrograde and beating the Sunday Scaries. A.G. is survived by Lemonade, Honey, O.G., and Mint.

Although you will no longer be able to find her in stores, you can recreate our Apple Ginger at home! 


  • 1 tsp Cinnamon 
  • 1 tsp Ground Ginger 
  • 1/2 - 1 tsp MatchaBar Matcha Powder 
  • 5 oz Water
  • Apple Cider 
  • Ice 


  1. Make your matcha shot: sift and whisk together 1/2 - 1 tsp of matcha powder and water (hot or cold, depending if you're making a hot or iced matcha). 
  2. Add the cinnamon and ground ginger to the matcha shot and whisk. 
  3. Fill a separate glass with ice and apple cider 3/4s of the way.
  4. Top it with your matcha shot, stir, and enjoy 💚


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